The Designer

Hi there brides to be, this paragraph is supposed to give you a better idea of who I am, I love a chat but writing about myself isn't so easy but here goes. I'm a coffee loving, bookworming, shoeophile with a serious love for creating gorgeous bespoke gowns and shoes. Most women might say they have a shopping problem, my husband says I have a fabric problem, as soon as I see a fabric I have to have it and can imagine it being used and constructed in many different ways which makes me all excited. I am so passionate about the local wedding industry and love that my business makes a difference to those creating as well as those wearing my designs. 

Our Story

Elli-Nicole Bridal was started with a conversation between my future sister in law and `I, she was getting married and couldn't find anything she liked, she asked me to make her gown. Somewhere between mild panic and elation I said yes, its true what they say that your passion finds you. That was 5 years ago and from there I was hooked. Its been such a fulfilling journey and I am truly blessed to be able to share my craft with others.

The second part of our journey was introducing our customisable wedding shoes. Brides were always telling me how they were struggling to find beautiful shoes for their big day, the idea to customise came from our ethos of creating bespoke gowns, I thought if brides can customise their gowns who shouldn't they be able to do the same with their shoes?